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Creating Joy Through Art

"It is through the creative process of Art, which joy pours" I see this after every art class I instruct.

Every Saturday I get together with a small group of talented young artist who can't wait to start painting and creating imagery throughout their canvas.  There are moments of pure silence, as if they are in a trans creating, another moment you hear a burst of excitement, and their conversation is centered around the lesson.  After two hours of painting, they have managed to complete their work and the pure joy of their accomplishment is evident.  As an artist, I confess, creating something out of nothing and making a one of a kind painting is utter joy.

I use to feel guilty, because I had so much fun doing it, not any more.  I have embraced the joy of art and continue to teach my students to do the same.  

"Say It With Art" class is held at my Studio on Saturdays and through out the week I teach private lessons.  



Picture of Young Artist Eylul, who loves painting abstract.

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Lucy Roman

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  • Glad you liked it :) and nice to meet you...

  • Thanks for sharing this amazing story of Graffiti Artists.  Its really beautiful, I would love to see more and more of this

    cool art through out Jordan.

  • Hi Lucy, would like to share this with you... check out these women graffiti artists.

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اللامُبالاةُ ليست فلسفة,وهى حتماّ ليست موقف؟ موجودون نحن اليوم لأنّنا نهتــــمُ , ففي مكان وزمان ما,وُجد شخص ما,إهتمّ بنا يوماّ, حقاّ. أنا مُهتمّة بكثير من الأشياء من بينها,النّاسُ الجميلة,النّاسُ النغم. في الواقع النّاسُ هى أجملُ خيارات الكون؟ فقط نحن من نسينا ذلك ؟ بماذا تهتمُ؟ وبمن تهتمُ؟ ولماذا تهتمُ ؟ وشو هو الشى المُهم لك / لكي وعنجد تصريح رقم 1
عندما نهتمُّ حقاّ تُفتح الفرص والأبواب المُغلقة على  مصراعيها, وكلُّ ما هنالك أنّك تحتاجين الى المُبادرة. نعم هذا كلّ ما في الأمر ! الكثير من التشبيك والتواصل وأخذ زمام تصريح رقم 2



